March 2022

Cleng Peersons siste år og dager i Texas

Da Cleng Peerson overtok eiendomsretten til jorda til Anders Bretta i Bosque County, Texas, i 1857, var han 74 år gammel. Han hadde fortsatt god helse, både fysisk og åndelig. Rett nok var Peerson kanskje noe eksentrisk de siste årene av livet sitt, skrev T. Theo Colwick i et brev til Rasmus B. Anderson i […]

Cleng Peersons siste år og dager i Texas

Ranching in Palliser’s Triangle in Southern Alberta

Between 1867 and 1870 captain James Palliser led a British expedition into the interior of Canada. James Hector, a member of the expedition, gave a vivid description of the arid parts of the Canadian Prairies, located in a triangular region of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. It became known as Palliser’s Triangle and covered 73,000 square

Ranching in Palliser’s Triangle in Southern Alberta

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