March 2022

This large stone building is the original barn built at the Carl and Sedsel Qustad place in Norse District, Bosque County.

Cleng Peersons siste år og dager i Texas

Cleng Peerson’s last years and days in Texas – until revised and translated, please use Google Translate or DeepL! Da Cleng Peerson overtok eiendomsretten til jorda til Anders Bretta i Bosque County, Texas, i 1857, var han 74 år gammel. Han hadde fortsatt god helse, både fysisk og åndelig. Rett nok var Peerson kanskje noe […]

Cleng Peersons siste år og dager i Texas

Ranching in Palliser’s Triangle in Southern Alberta

Between 1867 and 1870 captain James Palliser led a British expedition into the interior of Canada. James Hector, a member of the expedition, gave a vivid description of the arid parts of the Canadian Prairies, located in a triangular region of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. It became known as Palliser’s Triangle and covered 73,000 square

Ranching in Palliser’s Triangle in Southern Alberta

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